Looking for salesforce Developer Positions

Hi Ram,
I hope you’re having a great day!
I’m Sowmith, a Bench Sales Recruiter at Neoteksoft. We have an exceptional team of consultants specializing in Salesforce, salesforce Developer, sitetracker, .Net
I believe we have the perfect talent to complement your projects and exceed your clients’ expectations. Let’s explore how we can create success together. I’d be thrilled to discuss this further and see how we can support your needs.
Please feel free to connect with me here or reach out directly at. Looking forward to connecting!

Best Regards, 

Sowmith| Sr Recruiter


Phone: +1 (832) 400-2919


Address:  6 Landmark Sq, 4th Floor, Stamford, CT,06901-2704, United States

doc icon Haritha-Saviri__SFDC-resume-1.docx
doc icon Khyathi-lekha-_Salesforce_developer_admin_Resume-new-one.docx
doc icon Sudheer.K_SFDC_Resume.docx
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