Mode of work: Hybrid at Jacksin, Mississippi
Overall 9+ years of experience is required
Local to Mississippi are highly desired
Local to Mississippi are highly preferred
Candidate MUST be having Data Modenization experience
Top Skillls:
Interoperability and Data Modernization experience
IT project management experience
Technical environment (server, database, HL7, SQL, EHR, etc.) experience
Government, security, regulatory and privacy experience
Provide general support to the agency in its projects funded under the CDC Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG), specifically under Strategy A3: Data Modernization. Projects include:
- Cataloging and organization of agency data resources with the ultimate goal of creating a public facing agency-wide data catalog,
- Assisting with the selection and implementation of an updated process for managing external requests for data and public records
- Supporting the creation and implementation of project timelines
- Consistent and effective communication with agency staff supporting the projects, and maintaining focus on project goals and meeting deadlines
- Assist with the collecting, organizing and leveraging large amounts of data across multiple subject matters to enable more accessible utilization and analysis of the data using data lakes, warehouses, lakehouses, catalogs, etc.
Email: [email protected]